Aside from the emotional journey to think about how you feel about donor conception generally, there are also more specific practical things to consider:
Where will you have treatment – what country and which clinic?
How will you find a lawyer to help with the legal side of things?
How will you find a surrogate?
What kind of surrogacy arrangement are you looking for?
What kind of egg donor will you use – someone known to you, a donor recruited through a clinic or the surrogate’s own eggs?
What personal or physical qualities are you looking for in an egg donor?
- How many children are you planning?
What is it like for a child not to have a mum in the family?
What time frame do you have for your treatment?
How much money do you have?
How much energy do you have?
At what point might you have to say, “stop”.
Some of these may not be simple questions to answer but it’s really important to consider your wishes, thoughts and any concerns, alongside the understandable excitement. Take advantage of any implications counselling sessions that you’re offered. This is possibly the biggest decision you’re going to make in your life so make sure you carve out time to think things through.
Speaking with other members who have been down a similar road can really help with the decision-making process.