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Ethnicity in donor conception

This DCN chat is an opportunity to come together to talk about the issue of ethnicity in donor conception. This may be relevant if ...

12 Mar 20:30-21:30

This event is for DCN members only. Please login or join now.

This DCN chat is an opportunity to come together to talk about the issue of ethnicity in donor conception. This may be relevant if you are undertaking treatment with a donor of a different ethnicity, where ethnicity shows up in your donor decision-making process or where your child’s external appearance differs significantly to you (or you and your partner).

This DCN Chat is open to all, but please note that the intention of this discussion is to hold a space for people who are experiencing challenges and successes within this realm and to offer the opportunity to share these in a peer-support forum. There is no right or wrong and we would ask that anyone who joins does so with the intention of being extremely respectful with this somewhat sensitive issue.

DCN Chat is a peer support online get-together. This DCN Chat will be hosted by Mariam. All our DCN Chat facilitators are members themselves, and hosting the chat as individuals. This is not a professionally led or educational event.

Join us for a supportive space to talk to others in similar situations. If you find that you need further more professional support, please don’t hesitate to contact the DC Network office on

This is an online Zoom meetup, therefore, you will be sent a link to join the Zoom chat to the email you supply upon registration.

Sign up for free for a Zoom account here Please download the software onto your phone, tablet or computer in advance of the meeting so that you are not delayed in joining.

All participants are asked to turn their video on upon joining. We also ask that if you do have noisy distractions in the background (pets/other people in the room) please mute yourself when not talking.

A reminder that information shared on this sign up form will be shared with the DCN Chat facilitator to manage the event.

After the session we will be sending a survey link for you to complete, please share your feedback with us so we can continue to improve the sessions.

Please note- you will not be admitted 10 minutes after starting time unless under special conditions, so please ensure you join the Zoom call at a timely manner.

Here is a reminder of DCN Chat code of conduct, please read these before joining the call:

DCN Chat offers a space to chat and support to each other, to share experiences and ask questions.

If you wish to take part in the sessions, here are rules we ask you to abide by:

๏‚ Our Golden Rule: Be respectful to others. Our members come from all backgrounds and while we have shared experiences, our values, opinions and lifestyles may differ. We expect everyone to be given an equally supportive and respectful approach.

๏‚ Focus: We are specifically offering this space to connect on donor conception issues – whilst some groups may focus more or less on this topic, we ask you to use DCN Chat for this purpose as much as possible. If you need more time, you can exchange details with other members and carry on the conversations, at your own discretion.
๏‚ DC Network does not bear any responsibility for any negative behaviours or outcomes arising from DCN Chat. We ask you to act sensibly and only share personal information if you feel confident in doing so. You can always contact us if you want to pass on your details offline.

๏‚ Confidentiality: We do not permit sharing anyone elseโ€™s personal information outside DCN Chat without express permission from the person whose details are being shared.

๏‚ No promotions or research: All attendees are here as individual members, not for the purpose of business or canvassing of opinions.
๏‚ No medical, diagnosis or other professional advice:This forum is for peer support and we expect members to take part as individuals, even if you are a in a helping profession.

๏‚ No identifiable donor information: Because of the nature of the group, we ask that you do not share identifiable details of donors, so that there is no accidental discovery of a shared donor.

๏‚ Bullying or personal attacks will not be tolerated. We will be collecting follow up feedback after each DCN Chat and if there are any complaints, we will investigate these and deny access to offending participants.

๏‚ Patience: Although we are limiting the chats to small numbers, talking on Zoom is challenging when there are multiple people. Please listen to others, follow facilitator instructions and be courteous allowing everyone to have a chance to talk.

We hope you find this platform a helpful place for supportive conversation. Please donโ€™t hesitate to contact us for any questions or to give feedback on

This event is for DCN members only. Please login or join now.

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