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‘Reflections’ – Parents of DC Adults

You are invited to join the group for parents of DC adults. This group will be facilitated by Jane, one of our longterm members ...

31 Mar 20:00-21:15

This event is for DCN members only. Please login or join now.

You are invited to join the group for parents of DC adults. This group will be facilitated by Jane, one of our longterm members who also works with DCN.

We are inviting parents of those with children who are adults.

We hope this chat can offer an attuned space to the discussions that may be more relevant to the context in which children were conceived 20+ years ago, in a different climate to that which is now prevalent, with regards to openness in particular.

Join us for discussion and support from peers.

This event is for DCN members only. Please login or join now.

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