Donor conceived person
Here you’ll find information, resources and links relevant to donor conceived people. We also have the findings of the recent Young Adult Study by the University of Sussex.
Here you’ll find information, resources and links relevant to donor conceived people. We also have the findings of the recent Young Adult Study by the University of Sussex.
If you are a donor conceived adult – someone 18 or over who was conceived by donated sperm, eggs or embryos – there may be a number of reasons why you’ve come to this site. Perhaps you’re looking to connect with us, or with other donor conceived people. Or you may have questions that we can help with.
The Donor Conception Network was founded by parents of donor conceived children and we have always been child-centred, with a focus on openness in families. In the 30+ years we’ve been around, many of our members’ children have grown to adulthood, and their interests remain at the heart of what we do.
Whether or not your parents are or were members, you are very welcome to connect with us in your own right. If you have any questions, do contact us on
We have lots of donor conceived people in our ‘DCP group’ some of whom are also in a WhatsApp group to make connections. If you’d like to join the DCP group, the easiest way is to sign up to our mailing list. The form will offer extra options when you confirm you’re a donor conceived person and you can indicate how you’d like to get involved. We won’t share any details without your permission and we’ll be in touch to ask how you would like to engage with us.
The Young Adults Study is a research project exploring the social and familial experiences of donor conceived adults, with a focus on young adults aged between 18-30. Run by research psychologists from the University of Sussex, the team have kindly allowed us to share the study findings with our wider network. The videos and infographics below set out some of the study findings and may be useful for parents and donor conceived people alike.
Read some of the personal stories written by donor conceived people in our network.
Personal stories
Shirley’s Story
Personal stories
I Do Have Brothers and Sisters!!
Personal stories
Carly's story: growing up donor conceived following shared embryo donation
Personal stories
Bill's story: discovering you are donor conceived later in life
Personal stories
Zannah’s thoughts
Personal stories
Thoughts on Father’s Day
Personal stories
Thoughts from Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok: a donor conceived person
Personal stories
Lou's story: "I needed to know more"
Personal stories
Kate's story: Growing up as a donor conceived person
Personal stories
"Half of Me" – Ally's Story
Personal stories
A personal story of blood and belonging
You might like to consider joining the study for donor conceived adults (aged 18-30) which is being carried out by researcher Sophie Zadeh at UCL.